Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Panamá

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) were implemented in Panama through Law 93 of September 19, 2019. These partnerships allow collaboration between the private sector and the government to carry out various public projects, which can range from design, construction, repair, expansion, financing, exploitation, or operation to the administration or provision of goods or services. These partnerships are formalized by entering into a PPP Contract.

Although the PPP regulations are relatively new in Panama, it is anticipated that they will become a valuable tool for advancing significant infrastructure projects in the coming years, as they enable the integration of public and private technical and financial capabilities and a distribution of risks and resources.

We are proud that ALCOGAL advised the first PPP Contractor in Panama for the development of the Public-Private Partnership Project for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Eastern Pan-American Highway. The extensive experience of our team in public tenders and contracts, numerous negotiations with government entities, and in-depth knowledge of the PPP law was a key element that allowed us to anticipate the challenges involved in this type of contract and to efficiently and successfully advise our client.

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